Policy on Volunteer Recruitment, Utilization, and Supervision
September 1, 2015
A. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish an orderly recruitment, utilization, and supervision of volunteers in the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS). CHPAMS welcomes volunteers with different background, including members or non-members, such as students, researchers, or other professionals.
B. Definition
“Volunteer” is defined as anyone who performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of CHPAMS without compensation or expectation of compensation beyond reimbursement. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age.
Special case volunteers – Post-Completion OPT Volunteers: Per the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)’s 2010 Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Optional Practical Training (OPT) Policy Guidance (ICE, 2010), CHPAMS can accept F-1 students with OPT as volunteers to satisfy the students’ OPT employment requirement if the student-volunteer satisfies the applicable immigration requirements and regulations, as well as the other applicable requirements established by the CHPAMS board of directors.
In order to qualify for Post-Completion OPT Status with CHPAMS, F-1 Volunteers generally must meet the following requirements:
1. Volunteers must receive endorsement for Post-Completion OPT employment by his/her University/Designated School.
2. Volunteers will also need to apply for and receive an Employment Authorization Document with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services through his/her University.
3. The student-volunteers’ degree program(s) needs to be directly related to the mission of CHPAMS and/or the activities of the organization. (NOTE: You will need to consult your University/Designated School Official in order to determine if your degree program(s) relate to volunteering with CHPAMS.)
4. In order to qualify for Post-Completion OPT, the volunteering work must be at least 20 hours per week.
5. The volunteer must also be a registered member of CHPAMS.
These requirements do not apply to all volunteers and are strictly applicable to full time student-volunteers seeking full time volunteer employment to meet the requirements of Post-Completion OPT.
C. Procedure
C.1. Potential volunteers will contact the President of CHPAMS or his/her designee. If needed, volunteers need to submit the resume, CV, F-1 OPT Documentation, Employment Authorization Document, or other background information for review.
C.2. The President or his/her designee will review the documentation. If the President approves the volunteer’s status and the volunteer has the appropriate authorization from his/her University and the applicable immigration authorities, the volunteer can officially start to work in or on behalf of CHPAMS.
C.3. The President or his/her designee will assign a CHPAMS member as the volunteer’s supervisor.
C.4. The volunteer’s hour of service will be recorded and verified by the volunteer and the supervisor. (NOTE: The volunteer will need to contact his/her University/Designated School Official in order to confirm which documentation the University and/or immigration services will need to verify full time Post-Completion OPT status.)
C.5. The volunteer should maintain professional behaviors and should not risk the interests of CHPAMS in any way, including the reputation, finance, and relationship with other parties.
C.6. All volunteers’ work should be properly credited by the supervisor and CHPAMS.
D. Volunteer of the Year Awards
D.1. Volunteers are the cornerstone of the organization. Each year, CHPAMS honors 1~3 individuals for their excellent contributions to the organization and outstanding volunteerism in the field.
D.2. Eligibility and nomination procedure
· Only a CHPAMS Board of Director (BoD) member can make the nomination
· The nominee is a registered member of CHPAMS
· The nominator writes a brief letter describing the efforts and contributions of the nominee. A short bio of the nominee should be included.
D.3. The BoD members who did not make any nomination will choose the recipient(s) of this award. The nominator may present the nomination to the board, but must excuse himself/herself from the discussion and voting process.
D.4 Upon acceptance of the award, recipient(s) will receive a plaque and public recognition through website, newsletter, or other media releases.
US-ICE (2010). Policy Guidance 1004-03 – Update to Optional Practical Training. Available at http://www.ice.gov/doclib/sevis/pdf/opt_policy_guidance_042010.pdf