Support Us through AmazonSmile


Support us through AmazonSmile at no cost to you

AmazonSmile is website operated by Amazon that let you automatically support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop at Amazon, at no cost to you.  When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same prices and selections as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to a charitable organization of your choice.  Therefore, you can do your everyday shopping at Amazon and support us without spending any extra money.

Here is how:

-       Initial set up

  • Go to

  • Log in with your Amazon account

  • Find “China Health Policy And Management Society”, and select it as the charity organization you'd like to support (note: must be the full name)

  • Start shopping (see example screen below. The yellow box highlights where the supporting charitable organization)

-       Shop.  Next time when you shop at Amazon, always start at, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price to CHPAMS.  (Note: Please make sure to start at  If you use Amazon Apps or go directly to for your purchases, Amazon will not make the donation)

Amazon最近启动了“ 微笑计划” 。您可以挑选一个非营利机构,之后您每一次购物,0.5% 的购物金额会由 Amazon捐赠给这个机构。

比如:您每个月都会上Amazon 购买$200的奶粉,如果从这个月开始,您选择我们“China Health Policy and Management Society” 作为捐赠对象,那么在您结帐时,Amazon 将捐赠$1.0给我们,而商品价格和Amazon是完全一样的,就是说您所花的钱没有改变。


·       在地址栏输入 (最关键一步)
·       登陆到您的 amazon账号
·       在搜索框中输入 China Health Policy and Management Society(注意是全称,不是 CHPAMS)
·       像往常一样开始购物(请看以下截屏,黄色方框中显示捐赠对象)
·       下次购物时请从 开始,那您就实现了不花钱为我们捐款啦!(最关键一步,直接去amazon.com或Amazon app都不行)
