Editorial Introduction
The March 2013 issue of China Health Review includes an interview with Professor BA Denian, an article by Professor Baogang Guo, and a special interview with Professor Richard Rothenberg, in addition to our usual sections.
In an Interview with Dr. Yi Pan, Professor BA Denian, an elected member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the U.S. Institute of Medicine, recounted his educational experience and career path, outlined his vision of medical education in China, and shared his thoughts on the development of health policy and public health in China.
In the Perspective section, Professor Baogang Guo reviewed the history of China's healthcare reform, offered his perspectives on the unintended consequences of the (earlier) reform and on the future direction of the reform.
We started a Special Interview series in this issue. The purpose of the series is to facilitate a dialogue between health policy and systems sciences (HPSS) researchers in China and editors of international journals with HPSS-related focuses and scopes. Dr. Richard Rothenberg, Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Epidemiology, described the history and scopes of the Annals, offered his comments and suggestions to HPSS researchers from China (certainly many others would find his comments useful as well!) on research topic selection, use of methodology, etc. He concluded with a message to Chinese authors − "[W]e welcome articles from China on all fronts that are of global interest".
Research Twitter provides summaries of eight recent publications, covering topics such as reducing HIV-related stigma, full coverage of hypertension drugs in rural China, cost-effectiveness of a hypertension control intervention in community health centers, family planning and sex ratio, labor supply of healthcare professionals, disparities in healthcare utilization in China, behavioral and molecular of risky sexual contacts in a sample of Chinese HIV-infected men who have sex with men, and the effect of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme on utilization of medical care among adults over 45.
Policy Practice and Updates includes seven updates concerning topics including healthcare reform, public hospital reform, drug administration, China's five-year plan for health sector, basic medicine, and pharmaceutical market.
In About CHPAMS, we introduce to you Dr. Yinan Peng, a research fellow for the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. You will also find recent career and professional updates for Professor Peixuan Guo.
News and Announcements section features job opportunities with Harvard University and Sun Yat-Sen University. Please also find a call-for-questions for our special interviews with journal editors, and a call for submissions for the CHPAMS Best Papers Award (deadline: April 30, 2013).
Enjoy Reading!
2013年3月期《中国卫生评论》包括巴德年教授的访谈、郭保刚教授的文章,以及对Richard Rothenberg教授的专访。
我们在本期开辟了专访系列栏目。本栏目旨在促进中国卫生政策和体系科学(HPSS)的研究人员与关注HPSS研究领域的国际期刊主编之间的对话交流。Richard Rothenberg博士是《流行病学年报》的总编,他讲述了《流行病学年报》的发展历史和期刊的关注范围,并就研究课题的选择、研究方法的使用等方面提出了对中国卫生政策和体系科学研究人员的评论和建议(当然,其他领域的研究者也会从中受益匪浅!)。他在结束时告诉中国研究者——“我们欢迎来自中国的相关全球卫生的文章”。
在CHPAM之声栏目,我们向您介绍来自美国预防医学工作小组的项目研究员彭屹楠博士。您还可以看到Guo Peixuan教授的近期工作和学术活动信息。