From Editors
The CHPAMS Monthly is an e-newsletter of the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS). The Newsletter provides updates and activities related to CHPAMS and information of potential interest for CHPAMS members.
President’ Message: The COVID-19 Pandemic
The ongoing coronavirus epidemic is on everyone’s mind as its prevalence continues to grow. Each day seems to bring more alarming news. Questions, meanwhile, about its origin, transmission and treatment are also mounting, but there is much about this disease that we still do not know.
Experts from CHPAMS have sprung into action to lend their expertise. They are working to model virus spread, increase public awareness with accurate scientific information and supporting an effective global response. I am proud of the work that they have done and continue to do. As in previous issues of CHPAMS monthly newsletter, in this issue we continue to highlight members’ research and media efforts towards ending this public health emergency. Coordinated efforts from public health professionals across the globe are required if we are to effectively stop it and prevent future outbreaks. We look forward to fostering more collaborations among our members to help make this happen.
In addition to all your endeavors fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, all registered CHPAMS members, please remember to spare some time to vote for our future leadership. The election will be closed on May 4, 2020 (mid-night US ET).
Stay safe and be well!
Xi Chen, PhD
President, CHPAMS
CHPAMS Announcement
Dear CHPAMS members:
We are pleased to announce the candidates for the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS) 2020-2022 Board of Directors and President-elect.
The nomination process was open for all registered voting members on January 31, 2020 and closed on March 1, 2020 in pursuant to Article 7 of the CHPAMS Bylaws ( The Nomination Committee deliberated all nominations based on their contributions to science and service to CHPAMS and made the recommendation to the current Board of Directors, who approved the final slate for election. The Nomination Committee includes Dr. Lizheng Shi (Chair, Nomination Committee; President-elect, CHPAMS), Dr. Xi Chen (President, CHPAMS), and Dr. Zhuo (Adam) Chen (Immediate Past President, CHPAMS).
We will use Balloteer ( for the election. Balloteer allows anonymized voting with one vote per voting member. Ballot will be sent to the registered email address of voting members. Only the members who registered on on or before the election day are valid voting members as defined in Article 3 of the CHPAM Bylaws. If you have questions regarding your membership, please contact
Once a voting member received a person-specific link for him/her to vote, please note that you can only click the voting button at the bottom of the page (“Cast Your Ballot”) ONCE. You will NOT be able to update your vote once you submit your vote. For the board positions, you may NOT list the same write-in candidate in more than one write-in box. Doing this will invalidate your vote.
Please note that the bylaws require 10% of all voting members to form the quorum for the election. Therefore, we encourage every voting member to cast your vote and make your voice heard. The election will be open on April 18, 2020 and closed on May 4, 2020 (mid-night US Eastern Daylight Savings Time). The results will be announced thereafter.
Thank you very much for your continuous support for CHPAMS.
Board of Directors (2018-2020)
China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS)
Candidates for CHPAMS Election 2020
Preside-elect (to take office of President 2022-2024)
Liang Wang, MD, DrPH, MPH, FACE
Dr. Wang is a tenured Associate Professor at ETSU College of Public Health (CPH). He is a Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology. He has been a Visiting Scientist at Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health. His research focuses on obesity, nutrition epidemiology, health education and promotion, etc. Dr. Wang has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers (e.g., International Journal of Epidemiology), book chapters (e.g., China Blue Book on Obesity Prevention and Control). He has been a PI and Co-I on multiple grants (e.g., NIH). Dr. Wang has been serving as Board Director of China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS), Associate Director of China-Tennessee Health Education Training Institute, Chair of Public Relations of North America Chinese Society for Nutrition (NACSN), Founding President of the International Chinese Nutrition Young Scholar Network (ICNYSN), Founding President of Institute of Health Education and Lifecourse Promotion (IHELP). He has been awarded NACSN Outstanding Leadership and Service Award in 2016, CPH Dean’s Special Recognition Award for University Leadership Faculty Senate in 2017, Dean’s Special Recognition Award for Service on the Faculty Council in 2017, and College Foundation Service Award in 2018. He was nominated by Dean for University Distinguished Faculty Award for Service in 2019.
Board of Directors 2020-2022
Jing Li, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Economics in the Department of Healthcare Policy and Research at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Dr. Li obtained her PhD in Health Policy and MA in Economics from University of California, Berkeley. She also holds an MA from Stanford University and a BA from Peking University. A major strand of Dr Li’s research examines the incentives and behaviors of healthcare providers, as well as their impact on healthcare resource allocation, with special focus on the impact among aging population. More generally, she is interested in applying innovative and advanced research methodology in informing relevant questions in healthcare research and policy. Dr. Li has received funding support as PI from sources including the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Weill Cornell Medicine, Russell Sage Foundation, and Cornell Center for Social Sciences. Her publications have appeared in leading journals including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Health Economics, Demography and Medical Care Research and Review. Dr. Li was a recipient of CHPAMS 2018 Rising Scholar Best Paper Award.
Dr. Jinghua Li is an Associate Professor at Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University. Dr. Li received her PhD degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master’s degree (in Global Health Policy) from the University of Tokyo, and Bachelor’s degree (in Building Science and Economics) from Tsinghua University. Her research interests include behavioral health, epidemiological modeling, economic evaluation, focusing on HIV-related research. She has authored/co-authored 36 publications in international peer-reviewed journals. She is the principle investigator of National Natural Science Foundation of China, China Medical Board, and Sun Yet-sen University 100 Talents Scheme.
Chang Liu, PhD is a Regional Director for Singapore, Mainland China, And Hong Kong. Dr. Chang Liu is responsible for the health and aging innovation platforms and leads research and consulting work for ACCESS Health International in the Greater China and ASEAN region. Chang has a held teaching positions at Duke-NUS, the National University of Singapore Enterprise, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has authored a number of publications, including the Singapore overview for the International Profiles of Health Care Systems published by The Commonwealth Fund and London School of Economics. Dr. Liu got his PhD degree of Health Services Research from Brown University, specialized in health economics. He also received Master degree of finance from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.
Lei Si, PhD is a Senior Research Fellow in Health Economics and Health Systems Research at The George Institute for Global Health. He is a Conjoint Senior Lecturer at UNSW Medicine and an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at Menzies Institute for Medical Research. He is a current National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Early Career Fellow. He was the Vice Chairman of the Australian Chinese Association of Biomedical Science, Tasmania Branch (2013-2018) and the Secretary-General of the Chinese Professional Association of Tasmania (2016-2018). He was also a committee member of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR)–Australia Chapter (2018-2019). Dr. Si has been involved in conducting evaluations of submissions to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) for the Australian Government. Dr. Si mainly undertakes research in health economic evaluations. In addition, he works on health equality, equity of healthcare financing in China and discrete choice experiment. He has published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals and two book chapters. Dr. Si has received research funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the NHMRC, China Medical Board and so on. Dr. Si is an Associate Editor of BMJ Global Health and BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.
Huiwen Xu, PhD is a Research Assistant Professor at University of Rochester Medical Center. He received his PhD in Health Services Research and Policy with Data Science training from University of Rochester. Dr. Xu’s research focuses on applying advanced statistical methods and machine learning to examine quality of care in long term care setting with Minimum Data Set and Medicare claims, improving quality of life among older patients with cancer, and reducing rural-urban disparities in the U.S. and China. So far, Dr. Xu coauthored 25 peer-reviewed articles, including leading medical journals like JAMA Oncology, Medical Care, and Journal of American Medical Directors Association; he also coauthored over 50 scientific abstracts and actively presented his work at national and international conferences. He is a SAS certified programmer with 3 certifications (Basic, Advanced, and Statistical Business Analyst) and cofounded the Rochester Data Science Society in 2016. During 2017-2019, he served the Advisory Committee of AcademyHealth LTSS Interest Group. Dr. Xu also serves as an ad hoc reviewer for 10 scientific journals including JAMA Network Open. Dr. Xu received several awards, including the Poster Award from Denver Post-Acute Care Conference, Student Volunteer Award from AcademyHealth LTSS Interest Group, and Travel Fellowship from CHPAMS.
Donglan Zhang, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management at the University of Georgia. Professor Zhang previously worked as a prevention effectiveness fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Her research focuses on health insurance coverage and access to health care, telemedicine, health disparities, policy simulation and prevention of chronic diseases in the United States and China. Professor Zhang's research has been funded by NIH, USDA, and other local funding sources. She has published more than 60 peer-reviewed articles with some on top health policy and public health journals. She recently received an NIH R01 grant to study the rural-urban disparities in cardiovascular diseases and how local and state policies in the clinical and community systems help mitigate these disparities. Her study on telemedicine and stroke care was published in Health Affairs and presented at the national press club and received the China Health Policy and Management Society Rising Scholar Best Paper award of 2018. Her research on nutrition labeling and sodium intake, telemedicine, rural physician shortages, and rural-urban health disparities and policies has been featured in local and national media. Dr. Zhang received her Ph.D. in Health Policy and Management from UCLA in 2014.
Mengxi Zhang, Ph.D., MPH, is an Assistant Professor in Health Science at Ball State University. She graduated from Tulane University with her Ph.D. in International Health and Development and Master Degree in Epidemiology. Prior to Tulane, she majored in Preventive Medicine in Capital Medical University. Her research focuses mainly on health promotion among refugees in the United States and immigrants in Southeast Asia. She is also interested in maternal and child health in minority groups. She has received various awards recognizing her work, including the Best Dissertation Award from Tulane University and Mekong Region Scholars Award from the University of Utah.
CHPAMS Activities
1. Dr. Yanfang Su recently was interviewed multiple times by CCTV-4, in which she analyzed the latest trends of Covid-19 in US, including vaccine development, diagnosis, treatment and social policies. The interview dates and links are below:
3. Drs. Zhuo Chen, Xi Chen. “Coronavirus: Why did China’s multimillion-dollar early warning system fail?” (South China Morning Post)
4. Dr. Xi Chen
U.S.-China collaboration key to winning global battle against COVID-19 (Xinhua)
Study shows China's control measures effectively contained COVID-19 outbreak(People’s Daily)
Wuhan revises up coronavirus toll by half to cover deaths at home (South China Morning Post)
In Coronavirus, China Weighs Benefits of Buffalo Horn and Other Remedies (The New York Times)
A weak health-care system complicates China’s coronavirus battle (The Economist)
How Disease X, the epidemic-in-waiting, erupted in China (South China morning Post)
China's coronavirus lockdown strategy: brutal but effective (The Guardian)
To wear a mask or not: A dilemma for Chinese Americans (The New York Times)
Wanted: world leaders to answer the coronavirus pandemic alarm (South China Morning Post)
Meinian Institute of Health
Multiple Openings:
Medical Data and Analytics (Research Assistant, Researcher, Deputy Director)
Healthcare Big Data Management Researcher (Research Assistant, Researcher, Deputy Director)
Medical Editor
IT Manager
Reference Number: Please contact Rui Zhang at 010-8209-7560 or
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Beijing, China]
Faculty Positions in Health Economics and Policy, Health Services Research, Healthcare Management and Global Health)
Shandong University
Reference Number: Please contact 88382208 or 88382376, or and
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Jinan, China]
Faculty Positions in Public Policy, Public Administration, Econometrics, Data Analytics, Social medicine and Health Policy and Management
Nanjing Medical University
Reference Number: Please send application packages to or contact 025-86868507
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Nanjing, China]
Faculty Positions (Junior Talent Program, Associate Professors) in Public Health
Xi’an Jiaotong University Global Health Institute
Reference Number: Please submit application packages to or contact 029-82657395
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Xi’an, China]
Faculty Positions (Experienced and Junior, Post-doctoral Fellow) in Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Zhongshan University School of Public health
Reference Number: Please submit application packages to or contact +86-020-87330672
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Guangzhou, China]
Faculty Positions and Talent Program
Beijing Institute of Technology
Reference Number: Please apply through
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Beijing, China]
Faculty Positions in Multiple Departments
Nanjing University
Reference Number: Please submit application packages to each departmental email addresses listed in the hyperlink
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Nanjing, China]
The Yangtze River Scholar Program, Researcher, Associate Researcher, Post-Doctoral Fellow
Sichuan University, West China School of Public Health
Reference Number: Please submit application packages to
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Chengdu, China]
Associate Professor/Professor/Research Assistant in Public Policy, Social Medicine, Health Economics and Management, Health Systems
Nanjing University Center for Health Policy and Management Research
Reference Number: Please submit application packages to
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Nanjing, China]
Faculty Positions in Health Informatics and Health policy and Management
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Tongji Medical College
Reference Number: Please submit application packages to or contact 027-83692727
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Wuhan, China]
Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) Scholarships at UNNC and IUE
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Reference Number: 20053DTPXM
Deadline: Mat 15th, 2020
[Location: Ningbo, China]
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Health Economics and Policy
Tianjin University & IQVIA
Reference Number: Please submit application packages to
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Tianjin, China]
Post-Doctoral Fellow/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor in Health Policy, Healthcare Management, Health Systems and Health Economics
Peking University School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy and Management
Reference Number: Please submit application package to
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Beijing, China]
Post-Doctoral Fellow under Professor Shunping Li
Shandong University
Reference Number: Please submit application packages to
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Jinan, China]
United States
Assistant or Associate Professor (Community Health)
George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Washington, DC]
Associate Professor with tenure or Professor - Chair of the Health Policy and Management Department
Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) at Yale University
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: New Haven, CT]
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor (TT) - School of Public Health
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Houston, TX]
Public Health Advisor (Quarantine Program)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Philadelphia, PA]
Health Sciences (Assistant Professor of Public Health)
California State University-Los Angeles
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Los Angeles, CA]
Scholarships & Fellowships
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Biostatistics
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Reference Number: 9280
Deadline: Open Until Filled
[Location: Cambridge, MA]
Post-Doctoral Scientist
The George Washington University Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Washington, DC]
Postdoctoral fellow in Epidemiology, Cancer and Genomics Research
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Reference Number: 2000002B
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: Baltimore, MD]
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Deadline: Open until filled
[Location: New York, NY]
Single-cell Omics and Epidemiology of Diseases Sub-forum
Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Public Health
Conference Time: June 1st, 2020
Location: Shanghai, China
Research Updates
Juanjuan Zhang, Maria Litvinova, Yuxia Liang, Yan Wang, Wei Wang, Shanlu Zhao et al. Changes in contact patterns shape the dynamics of the COVID-19 outbreak in China. Science. April 29th 2020. DOI: 10.1126/science.abb8001.
Qiu Y, Chen X, Shi W. 2020. “Impacts of Social and Economic Factors on the Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China.” In press, Journal of Population Economics.
Chen SQ, Chen YY, Feng ZC, Chen X, et al. 2020 “Barriers of effective health insurance coverage for rural-to-urban migrant workers in China: A systematic review and policy gap analysis.” In press, BMC Public Health.
Li, G., Zhang, D., Chen, Z., Feng, D., Chen, X., Tang, S., . . . Feng, Z. (2020). Distribution of malaria patients seeking care in different types of health facilities during the implementation of National Malaria Elimination Programme. Malar J, 19(1), 131. doi:10.1186/s12936-020-03205-9
Su, Yanfang, et al. “Tracking Total Spending on Tuberculosis by Source and Function in 135 Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries, 2000–17: A Financial Modelling Study.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases. (April 23, 2020).
Angela E. Micah, Yanfang Su, et al. “Health Sector Spending and Spending on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and Development Assistance for Health: Progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3.” The Lancet, (April 23, 2020).
Bingqin Li and Beilu, UNSW. How China made its COVID-19 lockdown work. East Asia Forum: Economics, Politics and Public Policy in East Asia and the Pacific. (April 7th, 2020)
An Pan, Li Liu, Chaolong Wang, et al. Association of Public Health Interventions With the Epidemiology of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Wuhan, China. JAMA. April 10, 2020.
Kiesha Prem, Yang Liu, Timothy W Russell, Adam J Kucharski, Rosalind M Eggo, Nicholas Davies, et al. The effect of control strategies to reduce social mixing on outcomes of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China: a modelling study. The Lancet Public Health. March 25, 2020. DOI:
Zhuo Chen. COVID-19: A revelation – A reply to Ian Mitroff. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Volume 156, July 2020.