Issue 58, October 2017

From Editors

CHPAMS Newsletter is a monthly e-newsletter from the China Health Policy and Management Society (CHPAMS). The Newsletter serves as a communication platform to provide updates and activities related to CHPAMS and information of potential interest for CHPAMS members.


  1. CHPAMS Webinar

Title:  Introduction to comparative effectiveness research and real-world data

Date & Time: 9:00 pm-10:00 pm, October 28, 2017, U.S. Eastern DST

(i.e., 9:00 am-10:00 am, October 29, 2017, China Beijing time)

Join WebEx meeting

Meeting number:

317 758 339

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Join by phone

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10-800-714-1692 China North toll free

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Access code: 317 758 339

Dr. Xianchen Liu’s Short Bio


Dr. Liu is Senior Medical Director at Pfizer and visiting professor of epidemiology, psychiatry, clinical psychology, and health outcomes research at Shandong University, South China Normal University, University of Tennessee Health Science Center and research fellow of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Public Health Initiatives (CPHI). Dr. Liu obtained his medical degree from Shandong Medical University and PhD in mental health at University of Tokyo. He did postdoctoral research in clinical/ environmental epidemiology at National Institutes of Health (NIH). He was assistant professor of psychosocial epidemiology at Arizona State University Prevention Research Center and assistant professor of Psychiatry at University of Pittsburgh before he joined Lilly as senior research scientist in health economics and outcomes research.  His research interests and experiences include behavioral and chronic disease epidemiology, sleep, mental health, community-based interventions, health economics and outcomes research, real-world data, and clinical trials. For over 30 years, Dr. Liu has done clinical and epidemiological studies, health outcomes research and real-world studies in China, Japan, and the US. He has published more than 100 SCI papers in JAMA Psychiatry, JAMA Pediatrics, and International Journal of Epidemiology, etc. He has developed 4 measures for medical and psychological research. He has served as associate editor of SLEEP AND BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS and a reviewer for more than 35 SCI journals.

      2. 2017 Call for Nominations for the CHPAMS Inspiration Award

Nominations for 2017 individual and/or group award are currently open. For more details, please visit our website. Qualified members should send an application letter with no more than 1,000 words to Dr. Zhuo (Adam) Chen ( by November 15, 2017. The winner will be announced by February 1, 2018. The winner will receive $500 and an award plaque.

2. Call for Nominations: 2017 Rising Scholar Best Paper Award

CHPAMS's 2017 Rising Scholar Best Paper Award is to recognize outstanding peer review publications what are published in 2017 and authored by CHPAMS members who are in their early career stage.  Candidates for this award must be registered CHPAMS members who are either current students or within five years since receiving their last academic degrees. For more information, please visit CHPAMS website for details on eligibility and required documents. To nominate or self-nominate a candidate for this award, the nominator must email the following required application documents to Dr. Zheng (Jane) Li ( by January 1, 2018, using a subject line “2017 CHPAMS Best Paper Award application”. 

1.      A brief one-page cover letter describing the nominee and the nominated publication, including a statement that the first, corresponding and senior authors concur with the submission of the publication for this Award

2.      A PDF copy of the paper in the final published or in press form

3.      Nominee’s short bio or resume (one or two pages)

CHPAMS will announce the winner(s) in March, 2018.  Winner(s) will receive a plaque and a $100 or equivalent reward.

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Faculty positions in the Social Sciences (rank open)

Faculty positions in the natural sciences (rank open)

Faculty positions in the Arts and Humanities (rank open)
Duke Kunshan University
Deadline: Dec. 1, 2017
[Location: Kunshan, Jiangsu]

Postdoctoral positions

The Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Deadline: Dec. 31, 2017
[Location: Beijing]

United States   

Assistant Professor in Health Economics and Policy
The Department of Economics at the University of Rhode Island
Deadline: open until filled
[Location: Kingston, RI]

Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management
School of Public Health & Health Sciences (SPHHS)
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Deadline: open until filled
[Location: Amherst, MA]

Tenure-track/tenured faculty (rank open)
Division of Health Behavior and Health Promotion, Ohio State University
Deadline: open until filled
[Location: Columbus, OH]

Tenure Track Faculty Positions
California State University Fullerton School of Nursing
Deadline: open until filled
[Location: Fullerton, CA]

Assistant/Associate Professor in Health Services Policy and Management
University of South Carolina
Deadline: open until filled
[Location: Columbia, SC]

Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Purdue University College of Pharmacy
Deadline: Dec.31, 2017
Contact: Karen Hudmon,
[Location: West Lafayette or Indianapolis, IN]

Assistant/Associate Professor in Biostatistics
Clemson University
Deadline: open until filled
[Location: Clemson, SC]

Takemi Program in International Health
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Deadline: Dec. 31, 2017
[Location: Boston, MA]

Frank H.T. Rhodes Postdoctoral Fellowship
Cornell Population Center (CPC)
Deadline: Dec. 8, 2017
[Location: Ithaca, NY]

Other Countries

Postdoctoral position in applied psychology
The University of Vienna
Deadline: Nov. 6, 2017
[Location: Vienna, Austria]

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Junior Scholars Forum at Sichuan University
Conference time: Dec. 18-20.
Registration deadline: Nov. 15
[Location: Chengdu, Sichuan]

United States   

The College on Problems of Drug Dependence 80th Annual Scientific Meeting
Conference time: June 9-14
Abstract deadline: Dec. 1, 2017
[Location: San Diego, CA]

Chinese Economists Society (CES)
Conference time: April 6-7, 2018
Abstract deadline: Dec. 15, 2017
[Location: Athens, GA]

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Research Updates

Jiang, B., Liang, S., Peng, Z. R., Cong, H., Levy, M., Cheng, Q., ... & Remais, J. V. (2017). Transport and public health in China: the road to a healthy future. The Lancet, 390(10104), 1781-1791.

Cai, J., Zhao, H., & Coyte, P. C. (2017). Socioeconomic Differences and Trends in the Place of Death among Elderly People in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(10), 1210.

Wu, D., Lam, T. P., Lam, K. F., Zhou, X. D., & Sun, K. S. (2017). Challenges to healthcare reform in China: profit-oriented medical practices, patients' choice of care and guanxi culture in Zhejiang province. Health Policy and Planning, 32(9), 1241-1247.

Khan, M. S., Wu, S., Wang, X., & Coker, R. (2017). Optimising routine surveillance systems for informing tuberculosis control policies in China. Health Policy and Planning, 32(suppl_2), i12-i14.

Fu, H., Li, L., Li, M., Yang, C., & Hsiao, W. (2017). An evaluation of systemic reforms of public hospitals: the Sanming model in China. Health Policy and Planning, czx058.

Liang, D., Mays, V. M., & Hwang, W. C. (2017). Integrated mental health services in China: challenges and planning for the future. Health Policy and Planning, czx137.

Meng, X., & Yamauchi, C. (2017). Children of Migrants: The Cumulative Impact of Parental Migration on Children’s Education and Health Outcomes in China. Demography, 1-38.

Goodkind, D. (2017). The Astonishing Population Averted by China’s Birth Restrictions: Estimates, Nightmares, and Reprogrammed Ambitions. Demography, 54(4), 1375-1400.

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