Editorial Introduction
The October 2012 issue of China Health Review focuses on healthcare reforms.
The Interview section features two conversations centered on healthcare reform in China and the United States. Professor LI Ling from Peking University recounted her path from physics to macroeconomics and to health economics, while moving around from Wuhan to Pittsburg, to Towson, Maryland, and finally back to Beijing! Our interviewer, Dr. Rui Li, was fascinated by Professor LI’s involvement in and thoughts on China’s healthcare reform. Professor Yuanli Liu of Harvard University shared with Dr. Lingling Zhang his views on the healthcare reforms in China and the United States. He also provided updated information on the 2nd China-US Health Summit.
In the Perspective section, Professor Yuanli Liu delves into an in-depth review comparing the healthcare reforms in China and the United States. Professor XIONG Maoyou summarized a proposal to address issues facing China’s health system from a practitioner’s perspective.
Research Twitter provides summaries of ten recent publications related to China’s health, including tobacco crop substitution, anaemia reduction, lung cancer, universal health insurance, audits to reduce caesareans, body mass index and health-related quality of life, alcohol drinking and overall and cause-specific mortality, and inequalities in income and health.
Policy Practice and Updates includes seven updates covering topics including medicine procurement system, electronic health record, human rights action plan, New Rural Cooperative Medical Insurance, and the recently established Health Policy Award by Minister CHEN Zhu.
In About CHPAMS, we introduce to you Dr. Lu Shi. You will also find recent career updates from Drs. Lu Shi and Xuesong Han, a report by Jing Li, Dr. Xin Xu, and Yan Ding on CHPAMS’s participation at the Westlake Youth Forum in August 2012.
News and Announcements section features a job opportunity with Sichuan University and the announcement of the 2nd China-US Health Summit in Beijing later this month.
Enjoy Reading!
Table of Contents
A Conversation with Prof. LI Ling
by Rui Li, PhD
An Interview with Prof. LIU Yuanli
by Lingling Zhang, ScD
Increasing the Affordability of healthcare: comparing Reforms in China and the united states
by Yuanli Liu, PhD.
'1+N' method: a promising way to quality and affordable health care for China's 1.3 billion people
by XIONG Maoyou
Research Twitter
Policy and Practice Updates
Feature member: Lu Shi, PhD, MA
Members’ Updates
From the Planning Committee
News and Announcements