Volume 3 Issue 1

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Editorial Introduction

Spring has arrived in Atlanta and many parts of the world, although accompanied by an uninvited guest, ah-choo, called pollen. Greetings! It is our pleasure to present you with the first issue of China Health Review in 2012.

In the Interview section of this issue, Dr. Xin Xu spoke with Dr. Teh-wei Hu, Professor Emeritus of Health Economics and former Associate Dean and Department Chair in the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley. The conversation between Prof. Hu and Dr. Xu touched on various aspects of tobacco control in China.

In the Perspective section, Ms. Angela Ni recounted her experience in Yunnan, China investigating the adoption and use of biodigesters among rural households. Ms. Ni argued that biodigesters are not only beneficial in preventing deforestation and pollution, but also have substantial public health benefits in reducing diarrhea.

Research Twitter provides summaries of eleven recent publications on China’s health issues, including the effects of air pollution on health, association between bodyweight and incidence of suicide, white rice consumption and risk of type II diabetes, socioeconomic status and hypertension, appraisal of China’s healthcare reform, urban health, and emergency medical rescue in China.

Policy Practice and Updates includes six updates covering topics including the creation of State Council Health Reform Advisory Committee, physician multi-site practicing, and Diagnostic Related Groups based hospital payment system, etc.

In About CHPAMS, we introduce Dr. Zhanlian Feng, who is enthusiastic about research on elderly health in both the United States and China. You will also find recent career updates from Drs. Shufang Zhang, Yusheng Zhang, and Xiangming Fang.

Enjoy reading!

Table of Contents


              A Conversation with Prof. Teh-Wei Hu, University of California, Berkeley
              by Xin Xu, PhD


              Rural Sanitation Challenges: Gathering A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective in Yunnan, China
              by Angela Ni, BA

Research Twitter

Policy and Practice Updates


              Feature member: Zhanlian Feng, PhD
              Members’ Updates
